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Kite Beads

22 Products


8x6mm-12x8mm Lapis Lazuli Straight Drilled Plain Kite Beads 13.5 inch 30 pieces - The Bead Traders
Sea Green Aventurine Beads Plain Kite - The Bead Traders
9mm Amethyst Plain Kite Beads, 14 inch - The Bead Traders
Beige Mother of Pearl Plain 15x7mm Kite, 14" length, 29 pcs - The Bead Traders
13mm Picture Jasper Plain Kite Beads, 14 inch - The Bead Traders
Lapis Lazuli Beads Side Drilled Plain 8x6x3mm Kite, 14" length, 63 pcs - The Bead Traders
Green Aventurine Kite Silver Plated Chain 22 pieces - The Bead Traders
45x24mm Dark Silver Bezel Rainbow Moonstone faceted Kite Pendant 1 piece - The Bead Traders
Fluorite Plain Kite Beads 13 inch 30 pieces - The Bead Traders
Serpentine Plain Kite - The Bead Traders
Vermeil Bezeled Jasper Faceted Kite Pendant 1 Piece - The Bead Traders
Green Aventurine Kites Gold Plated Chain 21 pieces - The Bead Traders
9x7mm Amethyst Plain Kites 14 inch 33 beads - The Bead Traders
Denim Blue Opal Faceted Kite Beads 8 inch 10 pieces - The Bead Traders
12x8mm Blue Chalcedony & Matrix double drilled kites 16 inches 47 pieces - The Bead Traders
12mm Black Onyx Double Drilled Kite Beads, 15 inch - The Bead Traders
44x25mm Vermeil Bezel Rainbow Moonstone faceted kite Pendant 1 piece - The Bead Traders
Vermeil Bezeled Jasper Faceted Kite Pendant 1 Piece - The Bead Traders
4 - 5mm Garnet Faceted Kites 12 inch 58 beads - The Bead Traders
3 - 4mm Garnet Faceted Kites 12 inch 87 beads - The Bead Traders
45x24mm Black Gold Bezeled Amazonite Kite Pendant 1 Bead - The Bead Traders
Seafoam Green Chalcedony Faceted Kite 9.5 inch 15 beads - The Bead Traders

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