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Fossil Beads

12 Products


28mm Silver Leafed Ammonite Pendants 2 Beads - The Bead Traders
30mm Gold Leafed Ammonite Pendants 2 Beads - The Bead Traders
37x30mm Gold Leafed Ammonite Focal 1 Bead - The Bead Traders
37x30mm Gold Leafed Ammonite Focal 1 Bead - The Bead Traders
40x30mm Gold Leafed Ammonite Focal 1 Bead - The Bead Traders
34x24mm Silver Leafed Fossilized Coral Pendant 1 Piece - The Bead Traders
25x18mm Blue Fossil Coral Ovals 15 inch 15 beads - The Bead Traders
15mm Blue Fossil Coral Coins 15 inch 25 beads - The Bead Traders
18x13mm Blue Fossil Coral Rectangles 16 inch 22 beads - The Bead Traders
38x28mm Fossilized Coral Focal Pendant 1 Piece - The Bead Traders
29x23mm Fossilized Coral Focal Pendant 1 Piece - The Bead Traders
8mm Matte Fossilized Coral Plain Rounds 15 inch 45 beads - The Bead Traders

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