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Botswana Agate Beads

14 Products


8mm Botswana Agate 2mm Large Hole Cubes 10 Beads - The Bead Traders
10mm Matte Botswana Agate Plain Rounds 15 inch 34 beads - The Bead Traders
8mm Botswana Agate Faceted Rounds 15 inch 48 beads - The Bead Traders
6mm Matte Botswana Agate Plain Rounds 14 inch 65 beads - The Bead Traders
Botswana Agate Plain Nuggets 16 inch 18 beads - The Bead Traders
8mm Botswana Agate Faceted Cubes 15 inch 47 beads - The Bead Traders
8mm Matte Botswana Agate Plain Rounds 15 inch 45 beads - The Bead Traders
6mm Matte Botswana Agate Plain Rounds 15 inch 60 beads - The Bead Traders
12mm Botswana Agate Plain Round Beads 15 inch 30 pieces - The Bead Traders
10mm Botswana Agate Plain Round Beads 15 inch 35 pieces - The Bead Traders
8mm Matte Botswana Agate Plain Round Beads 15 inch 45 pieces - The Bead Traders
4.5mm Botswana Agate plain round beads 16 inch 93 pieces - The Bead Traders
6mm Botswana Agate plain round beads 15 inch 60 pieces - The Bead Traders
10mm Botswana Agate faceted round beads 15.5 inch 39 pieces AAA - The Bead Traders

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