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SKU: 418937

6.5-9mm Chrome Tourmaline Faceted Hearts 17 inch 60 beads

2 in stock

These Chrome Tourmaline Faceted Heart beads are a striking display of nature's vibrant green hues, with their intense color and high-quality craftsmanship. Each bead measures approximately 6.5mm to 9mm in diameter, offering a range of sizes that allows for dynamic designs. With around 60 beads per strand, these tourmaline hearts make an excellent choice for both bold statements and delicate, intricate pieces.

The faceted cut enhances the rich green tones of the tourmaline, creating a sparkling and reflective surface that highlights its natural beauty. The heart shape adds a charming and romantic touch, while the deep, almost jewel-like green of these beads makes them perfect for designs that demand attention and sophistication. Whether incorporated into necklaces, earrings, or bracelets, these Chrome Tourmaline beads are sure to elevate any jewelry creation.

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