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SKU: 404476

5x4mm Multi Color Tourmaline Faceted Pears 8 inch 73 beads

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Beads average 5x4mm with a mm or so of variation possible. Immerse yourself in a vibrant kaleidoscope of colors with our exquisite Multi-Color Tourmaline Pear Beads. These captivating gemstones possess a natural allure that will ignite your creativity and transform your jewelry designs into true works of art.

Handcrafted with meticulous care, each pear-shaped bead showcases the mesmerizing beauty of high-quality Tourmaline. From stunning shades of pink, green, blue, and more, these beads radiate a dazzling array of hues that is a testament to the wonders of nature.

Whether you're a professional jewelry designer or a passionate DIY enthusiast, these expert-curated Tourmaline pears will be a vital addition to your repertoire.

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