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SKU: 42362

9x5mm Blue Kyanite Plain Pears 12 inch 100 beads A Grade

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Beads measure about 5x3mm to 14x8mm. These natural blue kyanite pear-shaped beads feature a lustrous, polished surface with delicate striations and a captivating translucent blue tone that varies subtly across each bead. Celebrated for its tranquil and harmonizing qualities, kyanite brings both beauty and meaning to any jewelry piece. The smooth, organic pear shape adds sophistication and versatility, allowing for designs that range from modern elegance to bohemian charm. Ideal for crafting necklaces, bracelets, or earrings that stand out with a quiet yet refined allure, these kyanite beads are a beautiful addition to any collection. Kyanite’s natural scarcity and striking color make it a rare and treasured gemstone, prized by jewelry artisans and collectors alike.

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