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SKU: 48062

4mm Pink Ethiopian Opal Faceted Rondelles 16 inch 150 beads

9 in stock

Beads measure about 4mm in diameter. These stunning offerings in Ethiopian Opal show off an impossibly vibrant neon pink color palette full of electric flashes of green, blue, yellow and red-an astonishing example of precious opal's signature "fire". Beads are hewn to a tight size range to ensure minimal variation, allowing for your most ambitious and eye-catching design to be served by a single, exquisite strand. Our Pink Ethiopian Opal represents some of the the most sought after amongst a perennial beaders' favorite, capable of starring in Jewelry Designs from necklaces to dainty earrings and much more. Make a lasting impression in your next slate of Jewelry Designs with one of our most exciting offerings yet!

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