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SKU: 445253

30x15mm Leafy Branch 3 Ring Charm Set of 2 pieces

23 in stock
39 in stock
72 in stock

These Leafy Branch Charm Connectors are the perfect accent pieces to elevate your jewelry designs. Featuring an intricate, lifelike branch adorned with textured leaves, these charms are available in three elegant finishes: luminous gold plating, sleek silver plating, and warm antiqued copper.

Each connector is thoughtfully designed with three loops—plus one at the base—offering versatility for multi-strand designs, layered necklaces, or unique earrings. Their nature-inspired aesthetic makes them an excellent choice for bohemian, woodland, or romantic styles.

Sold in sets of two, these leafy connectors are ideal for adding charm and depth to your handmade creations. Use them as focal points, links, or decorative elements in your next jewelry project.

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