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SKU: 48060

3.5-4mm Light Pink Ethiopian Opal Faceted Rondelles 16 inch 165 beads

28 in stock

Beads measure about 3.5mm to 4mm in diameter. These stunning offerings in Ethiopian Opal show off a delightfully light pink color palette full of electric flashes of green, blue, yellow and red-an astonishing example of precious opal's signature "fire". Beads are hewn to a tight size range to ensure minimal variation, allowing for your most ambitious and eye-catching design to be served by a single, exquisite strand. Our light Pink Ethiopian Opal represents some of the the most sought after amongst a perennial beaders' favorite, capable of starring in Jewelry Designs from necklaces to dainty earrings and much more. Make a lasting impression in your next slate of Jewelry Designs with one of our most exciting offerings yet!

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