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SKU: 43125

3-3.5mm Black Spinel Faceted Rounds 13.5 inch 100 beads

25 in stock

These black spinel microfaceted round beads are a stunning embodiment of sophistication and precision. Each bead is meticulously cut with countless microfacets that create an enchanting sparkle as they catch and reflect the light. The deep, jet-black tone of the spinel is rich and intense, offering a timeless elegance that complements a wide range of design styles.

With their smooth, uniform round shape and consistent faceting, these beads bring a refined brilliance to any piece. Perfect for delicate bracelets, layered necklaces, or sparkling accents in statement designs, their versatility is unmatched. Whether used as subtle highlights in a larger creation or strung together for an all-black shimmering strand, these black spinel beads are a go-to choice for creating luxurious, high-quality jewelry with a striking visual impact.

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