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SKU: 47459

10-13mm Mystic White Topaz Faceted Hearts 9 inch 20 beads

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Beads measure about 10mm to 13mm in diameter. Discover the enchanting allure of our Mystic Topaz Faceted Heart Beads, where our signature mystic coating transforms each gem into an unmatched display of color. These topaz beauties shimmer with a masterful faceting replete with vibrant green and purple, adding a dynamic, ethereal quality to each bead. The faceted surfaces amplify the light play, creating a lively, shifting sparkle capable of capturing hearts in your most ambitious designs. Ideal for adding an alluring, mystical element, these beads bring a magical touch to elegant and contemporary creations alike. Our premium offerings are destined to dazzle in necklaces, earrings, bracelets and more!

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