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Spinel Beads

9 Products


4mm Multi Color Spinel faceted Heishi Gold Chain by the foot 38 beads - The Bead Traders
3-3.5mm Mystic Chocolate Black Spinel Faceted Rondelle Beads 13 inch 130 pcs - The Bead Traders
3mm Peacock Metallic Black Spinel Micro faceted rounds 13 inch 128 beads - The Bead Traders
6x4mm Mystic Multi Spinel plain pear beads 8 inch 66 pieces - The Bead Traders
3mm Metallic Bronze Black Spinel Micro faceted rounds 13 inch 128 beads - The Bead Traders
Mystic Black Spinel Faceted Rondelle Beads 14 inch 135 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Umber Spinel Microfaceted Rounds 12 inch 150 beads - The Bead Traders
2mm Grey Blue Spinel Microfaceted Rounds 12 inch 150 beads - The Bead Traders
2mm Purple Spinel Microfaceted Rounds 12 inch 150 beads - The Bead Traders
Find the high quality Spinel Beads you've been looking for right here. Let the Bead Traders be your online bead store for affordable beads, beading supplies and charms. We purchase all of our product in volume, so you save money, every time. And don't hesitate to ask any of our friendly and knowledgeable staff if you have any questions or need assistance. Check out our massive selection today.

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