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Hematite Beads

34 Products


3mm Hematite Faceted Round Beads 15 inch 133 pieces - The Bead Traders
4mm Hematite faceted round Beads 15.5 inches 99 pieces - The Bead Traders
4mm Matte Hematite faceted rondelle beads 15 inch 130 pieces - The Bead Traders
8mm Matte Hematite faceted round beads 15.5 inch 53 pieces - The Bead Traders
6mm Matte Hematite faceted rondelle beads 15 inch 99 pieces - The Bead Traders
4mm Matte Hematite faceted round Black Gold chain by the foot 32 pieces - The Bead Traders
11x9-15x9mm Dark Tiger Iron straight drilled faceted ovals 13 inch 24 beads - The Bead Traders
4mm Matte Hematite faceted rondelle Black Gold chain by the foot 35 pieces - The Bead Traders
7.8mm Hematite faceted round Gold plated chain by the foot 21 pieces - The Bead Traders
3mm Hematite faceted round Silver plated chain by the foot 34 pieces - The Bead Traders
12x9-14x10mm Tiger Iron straight drilled faceted oval beads 13 inch 23 pieces - The Bead Traders
6x4mm Matte Hematite plain rice Black Gold plated Chain by the foot 24 pieces - The Bead Traders
3mm Hematite plain round Black Gold Chain 39 pcs - The Bead Traders
3mm Hematite faceted round Gold plated chain by the foot 34 pieces - The Bead Traders
4mm Hematite faceted round Gold plated chain by the foot 32 pieces - The Bead Traders
6mm Matte Hematite faceted rondelle Silver plated Chain by the foot 28 pcs - The Bead Traders
6mm Matte Hematite plain round Silver plated Chain by the foot 26 pieces - The Bead Traders
3.5x2mm Hematite plain tube Gold plated Chain by the foot 33 pieces - The Bead Traders
4mm Matte Hematite faceted rondelle Silver plated Chain by the foot 34 pcs - The Bead Traders
4mm Matte Hematite faceted round Black Gold chain by the foot 32 pieces - The Bead Traders
6mm Matte Hematite plain round Black Gold plated Chain by the foot 25 beads - The Bead Traders
6mm Hematite faceted round Gold Chain by the foot 27 pieces - The Bead Traders
4mm Hematite Rounds Black Gold plated Chain 29 pieces - The Bead Traders
6mm Matte Hematite faceted rondelle Gold plated Chain by the foot 28 pcs - The Bead Traders
4x4mm Matte Brown Hematite faceted nugget Gold plated Chain 33 pieces - The Bead Traders
3mm Matte Greige Hematite plain cube Black Gold plated Chain 35 pieces - The Bead Traders
6mm Matte Hematite plain round Gold plated Chain by the foot 26 pieces - The Bead Traders
4mm Matte Hematite faceted rondelle Gold plated Chain by the foot 34 pcs - The Bead Traders
4mm Matte Hematite faceted hexagon Black Gold Chain by the foot 26 pieces - The Bead Traders
3mm Hematite Faceted Rondelle Silver Chain 41 beads - The Bead Traders
4mm Matte Hematite Rounds Gold Chain 32 beads - The Bead Traders
5x4mm Hematite Plain Tube Gold Chain 28 beads - The Bead Traders
4mm Matte Brown plated Hematite rondelle Gold plated Chain by the foot 38pcs - The Bead Traders

We know you’ll love our hematite beads because at the Bead Traders we pride ourselves on providing high quality beads at great prices. Our online beads and beading supplies are bought in volume, meaning you always get affordable prices. It is undeniable that Hematite Beads are completely unique, and something you will want to add to your next craft or jewelry project.

Out of This World

Hematite, whose name is derived from the Greek word for blood, is a dark, rich stone that can appear deep red when thinly sliced or powdered. Scientists have found the mineral signature of hematite on the planet Mars and speculate that studying its formation pattern could determine if large deposits of water, a necessary building block for life, was ever present on the red planet. The famous blueberry spherules that set off a firestorm of speculation about the possibility of life on Mars were formed largely by hematite.

Tall, Dark, And Rich Stone

Hematite has had a long history of use here on planet Earth as well. It was utilized for its red chalky quality by some of the earliest recorded writers in human history. Its use as an artist tool is an ancient one, in fact the powdery residue of hematite was first used as a writing chalk nearly 165,000 years ago in what we today call South Africa. In more recent history, hematite was actively mined for its red chalky attributes around 7,00 years ago in modern day Poland and Hungary.

Some Native American traditions indicate that when hematite powder was used to make war paint it rendered the wearer invincible in battle. These fascinating histories and traditions make hematite beads not only a beautiful addition to your art or jewelry project but a culturally rich and elegantly interesting one as well.

Multiple Uses

Hematite beads have some purported metaphysical qualities, as well. The stone is thought to improve circulation of oxygen in the blood and therefore has been used to cool the body and alleviate fever and pain from cramping. It has been utilized to relieve anxiety and bring calmness due to its grounding qualities. For this reason, hematite is highly useful at bringing balance and creating a positive foundation.

What’s more, hematite is used to calm the senses and increase focus, concentration, and mental acuity. For this reason it is also used to bring about sharp mental organization and clarity. Considered to be a useful guide for intense logical exercises of thought, the stone can be of service for those involved in the sciences, especially mathematics.

Get Your Beads And Gemstones At the Bead Traders

Regardless of why you choose hematite beads for your project you can rest assured that the Bead Traders offers the highest quality gemstones at the most affordable prices. For all your bead and gemstone needs, choose us.

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