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SKU: 50507

7mm Multicolor Opal Faceted Heishis 14 inch 110 beads

7 in stock

Beads measure about 7mm in diameter. Feast your eyes on the tantalizing beauty of natural opal, with a full range of coveted varieties mingling together on specially curated strands of exquisite heishis. Mexican Fire Opal's enchanting reds offer a stunning contrast with cool creaminess of Denim Opal while Green and Pink Peruvian blend to the colorful iridescence of Australian Opal. These elegant strands represent an opportunity to sample the myriad delights of fine Opal beads in a single offering, with beads worthy of your most ambitious Jewelry designs. Here are beads ideal for use in statement necklaces, earrings and much, much more.

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