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SKU: 50981

5-6mm Mystic Topaz Faceted Hearts 9 inch 63 beads

5 in stock

Beads measure about 5mm to 6mm in diameter. Discover the enchantment of our Mystic Topaz Faceted Heart Beads, where our signature mystic coating transforms each gem into a captivating display of color. These topaz hearts shimmer with flashes of vibrant green and purple, adding a dynamic and almost ethereal quality to each bead. The faceted surfaces amplify the light play, creating a lively, shifting sparkle that enhances any jewelry design. Ideal for adding an eye-catching, mystical element, these beads bring a magical touch to elegant and contemporary creations alike. Our premium offerings are destined to dazzle in necklaces, earrings, bracelets and more!

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