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Faceted Round Beads

255 Products


2mm Amethyst Microfaceted Round Beads 12 inch 140 pieces - The Bead Traders
2.5mm Multi Jasper & Agate micro faceted rondelle beads 12.5 inch 155 pcs - The Bead Traders
2mm Fluorite Microfaceted Round Beads 12 inch 140 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Imitation Chrysocolla microfaceted round beads 13 inch 175 pieces - The Bead Traders
8mm Blue & White Honeycomb Tibetan Agate faceted rounds 15 inch 47 beads - The Bead Traders
8mm Multi Color Amazonite faceted round Beads 15 inch 49 pieces - The Bead Traders
3mm Hematite Faceted Round Beads 15 inch 133 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Iolite Micro Faceted Round Beads 12.5 inch 170 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Sunstone Microfaceted Round Beads 12 inch 120 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Light Amethyst Microfaceted Round Beads 12 inch 140 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Yellow Aventurine microfaceted round beads 13 inch 175 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Sunstone microfaceted round beads 13 inch 175 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Multi Moonstone Micro Faceted Round Beads 13 inch 157 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Iolite Micro Faceted Round Beads 13 inch 168 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Blue Lace Agate microfaceted round beads 13 inch 175 pieces AA - The Bead Traders
8mm Berry Pink Banded Agate faceted round beads 14.5 inch 46 pieces - The Bead Traders
8mm Green & Brown Banded Agate faceted round beads 14.5 inch 47 pieces - The Bead Traders
Light Brown Moonstone Microfaceted Round Beads 12 inch 160 pieces - The Bead Traders
Moss Agate Microfaceted Round Beads 12 inch 150 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Natural Blue Sapphire Microfaceted Rounds 12 inch 165 beads - The Bead Traders
Rainbow Moonstone Microfaceted Round Beads 12 inch 160 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Multi Color Tiger's Eye microfaceted round beads 13 inch 175 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Amazonite Micro Faceted Round Beads 12.5 inch 140 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Peridot microfaceted round beads 13 inch 175 pieces - The Bead Traders
2.5mm Mystic Red Moonstone Microfaceted Round Beads 12 inch 140 pieces - The Bead Traders
8mm Black & White Tibetan Agate faceted rounds 14.5 inch 47 beads - The Bead Traders
4mm Hematite faceted round Beads 15.5 inches 99 pieces - The Bead Traders
3mm Green Aventurine microfaceted round beads 13 inch 110 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Lemon Quartz Microfaceted Round Beads 12 inch 140 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Fluorite Microfaceted Round Beads 12 inch 140 pieces - The Bead Traders
2.5mm Mystic Labradorite Microfaceted Round Beads 12 inch 135 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Orange Moonstone microfaceted round beads 13 inch 175 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Labradorite micro faceted round Black Gold Dangling Chain by the foot - The Bead Traders
2.5mm Green Aventurine microfaceted round beads 13 inch 150 pieces - The Bead Traders
3.5mm Blue Kyanite Faceted Round Beads 12 inch 100 pieces - The Bead Traders
2.5mm Green Onyx Microfaceted Round Beads 12 inch 135 pieces - The Bead Traders
4-4.5mm Silver Mystic Labradorite Faceted Rounds 13 inch 90 Beads 1mm hole - The Bead Traders
2mm Blue Peruvian Opal microfaceted rounds 13 inch 180 beads - The Bead Traders
2.5mm Pink Tourmaline Microfaceted Rounds 12 inch 133 beads - The Bead Traders
2mm Mexican Fire Opal Microfaceted Round Beads 12 inch 200 pieces - The Bead Traders
2.5mm Cat's Eye Quartz Micro Faceted Round Beads 12.5 inch 145 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Multi Gemstone Microfaceted Round Beads 12 inch 160 pieces - The Bead Traders
2mm Carnelian Faceted Round Beads 12 inch 140 pieces - The Bead Traders
8mm White Evil Eye Agate Faceted Round Beads 15 inch 47 pieces - The Bead Traders
8mm Honeycomb Black & Tan Agate faceted round 15 inch 48 Beads - The Bead Traders
2.7mm Ruby & Zoisite micro faceted round beads 13 inch 125 pieces - The Bead Traders
8mm Chiffon Green Agate faceted rounds 15 inch 47 beads - The Bead Traders
2mm Sky Blue Topaz microfaceted round beads 12.5 inch 173 beads - The Bead Traders
Pink Peruvian Opal Microfaceted Round Beads 12 inch 120 pieces - The Bead Traders
255 results

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